Thursday, February 28, 2008

insert the "dia-blow" joke here...

This is the pic I saw in an AP article when I was in Vegas. I was telling some people about it, so I tried to find it on the internet which proved futile until now.
Girl is about to start working that statue like she's paying off bills. At least she could fake a little more enthusiasm; I mean, that shit's gold, right? Rolling them eyes...Someone needs to let her in on the rule: You give to the academy at the after parties; not to the statue at press picture time. Mmkay...

who says drivers suck in LA?

The morning was off to a great start.

There was that text from my mom at 6:30 "hi me love u big time. hav wonderful day!"

There was a whole lotta snuggling going on...

Although it was very hard to do, I finally pull myself out of bed to head off to my yoga class and two blocks away...

Ok. Well it wasn't that bad or nearly that interesting. I was driving behind this woman on Hollywood and she suddenly stops her big suv in the middle of an intersection. I slam on the brakes but I still hit her. Her massive gas guzzler was fine; my entire hood is jacked. I missed a class with Adam as well.

Now my back hurts.

Adam always says "When the Divine is for you, nothing can be against you."

A mantra to repeat for the day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

lesbian performance art!!!

I was introduced to Holly's work years ago and have really enjoyed the pieces I have read. I would love to see her perform live. It should be a blast and who doesn't like a good ol' lesbo party? Fo reals.
Down for some fun? March 5 - Wednesday night. $15


March 5th @ REDCAT

"Everything you ever wanted in a lesbian performance artist and less..." Los Angeles Times

Performance artist and playwright Holly Hughes has a flair for telling outrageous stories of everyday lesbian life, touching off controversy and challenging complacency at every turn. Her combination of poetic imagery and political satire maps the troubled fault lines of identity, and places her work at the center of America’s culture wars. The two-time Obie Award winner returns to Los Angeles with new work in the key of canine, plus greatest hits from Preaching to the Perverted and Clit Notes. Hughes has performed at venues across North America, Great Britain and Australia, including the Walker Art Center, the Wexner Center for the Arts, the Guggenheim Museum, the Yale Repertory, the Drill Hall in London, and numerous universities. She has published two books: Clit Notes: A Sapphic Sampler and O Solo Homo: The New Queer Performance.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

i'd say fuck the oscars....

Okay, so I didn't watch the Oscars...Bad actor!
But, WTF?
Whoopi did make history in a numerous ways.
What the hell is up with the ommitance?


H.P.V is the most common sexually transmitted infection; 80% of American women will contract at least one strain of genital hpv by the time they are 50.

This can lead to cervical cancer, which kills approx. a quarter of a million women worldwide every year.

Gardasil is a vaccine that is supposed to prevent infection from types 16, 18, 6, and 11.

Gardasil is currently only for females, but the company is working on a patent for boys to come out in 09.
Both men and women are carriers of hpv, but women are the ones who have true risk if getting infected. Men can get warts, but the strains that cause warts are different than the ones that cause cancer.

Now, how many men do you know who would willingly take this vaccine? Or for that matter, how many people would have their sons get it? It seems that it's hard enough to get most men to put on a condom, let alone do,...i don't know...not give women an infection which could lead to their death if unchecked? Stop the spreading of a disease which affects the majority of Americans?

It's fucked up because we literally preach for a lack of male responsibility with so much sexual. Women being largely responsible for the condoms, for the birth control, for paying for the birth control with insane prices lately!, and now, what...To stop HPV on their own? Yeah, until they have sex with someone of the opposite sex!

A friend of mine was just telling me about this guy she was hooking up with recently. He was trying to have unprotected sex with her, and, diseases aside, homegirl ain't on no birth control. She tells him she is scared of getting pregnant, and he's like, don't worry - you just won't.

When I was a young virgin, there was this guy that I would make-out regularly with. He was always trying to get me to have sex with him, and I always got him to back off. One day the pressure got a little ridiculous, and he just wouldn't shut up. I told him that I didn't want to have sex because I didn't want to risk getting pregnant. He looked at me (and he honestly fucking believed this) and told me that I wouldn't get pregnant because you can only get pregnant if you want to be. I'll tell you this, I knew that was bs, but did he? He ended up having his first kid at 18. An accident, mmkay.

I'm just saying, there are a lot of guy in their 20s and 30s who are apparently not much different than a teenager when it comes to their intelligence, and here's the kicker....TO RESPECT FOR THEIR PARTNERS!


Yes, it is a respect issue! If someone thinks not putting on a condom cuz it feels so much better (which it does but that's not the point) is better than the possibility of making unwanted babies or of transferring possible diseases (known or otherwise..remember -most men will never see an outward sign of being an hpv carrier) then to me it's pretty clear that not only do they not fully respect themselves, but they don't respect their partner either.

There is a line between being treated like a recepticle or like a goddess. Just saying.

If a guy were to tell me that he had the vaccine...I'd think that was pretty smokin'. But that's probably just me....
Oh...and maybe the large number of my girlfriends who at some point in the past decade have gotten an abnormal pap smear and discovered they had hvp...Yeah, those girls might think it was pretty fucking hot too.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

life in the suburbs...

I am in my hometown right now - visiting the folks and whatnot. I was going out with my mom earlier today, when she gets all serious in the car. "Listen to me..." and she begins to talk about when you are driving around in the summer with your windows down, people will try to get into your car at stoplights. Now, if this happens, statistically you are dead meat. So, as you continue driving down city streets (with said assailant in your passenger) the next time you are at a red light, when it turns green, hit reverse and slam into the car behind you. This will give the assailant a chance to get away, and you will save your life....

Tell your friends...

Ummm. Ok.

She was also talking about some sort of siren thing you can put on your car to alert other drivers that you are being attacked...

When I was in high school she used to yell at me to remember to wear strong thick tennis shoes whenever I flew. You know - so if the plane crashed I would be able to run...

No- You think about that...

And now I leave to go out with my ol' sin city bf... Goodnight y'all

you gotta have a dream

Friday, February 22, 2008


I am finally all booked for March 7th to get my shots done. I have the bomb ass photographer and this wicked make-up artist, and we are going to spend the day and do about 6 different looks. And later that night...a jezzie meetup in LA.

totally stoked....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

sexism: how it works


my orthodox boyfriend

When I was in Denver one of my cousins friends developed a wee bit of a crush on me and followed me around, like, constantly.
My sis and mom thought this was really funny.
He is short and small, but that's probably just because he's like 12 or something.
Anyways, the last night I was at their house, he asked for my email address. I figure, why not eh?

Subject: Hi!

Dear D, Hi, it's me Avi. I have a question for you. I remember you telling me at the Olesky's that your allergic to wheat. So the means that you don't wash for bread. So how does that all work out? Do you not wash at all ever? I hope you and Michelle are okay and I hope to see you in town again soon.

Love Avi

p.s. Two things. Just in case you couldn't read my handwriting, my email address is ..... And please tell me if my questions are annoying you.

So, I write him back...(btw non jewy friends, the whole washing thing is about prayers, and well, ummm.... about praying and washing before you that)

Hi Avi!
Hope you are doing well. I am back in Los Angeles and it feels like summertime here.
So, in regards to your question, I always wash my hands before eating. Anything. I just don't eat/wash for bread.
I am not an Orthodox but a secular Jew (cultural manifestations of Jewishness that are not specifically religious). This means that in general, in my daily life, I do not do any of the typical religious prayers and washings that you might do.
I hope that cleared that up.
No questions are annoying. I had a teacher a long time ago tell me "The only silly question is the one which goes unasked."

Just realized at this moment that I didn't wash my hands before eating today. But they are fuck off!

and today I got MY LIFE in the mail...

Dear D, Thank's for explaining the washing thing. Now, Since I know alot about you, time for you to hear some things about me. I go to Herzl/Rmha for school and I like football. I like the Broncos, the Panthers, and the Lions. I hope to go play in the NFl when I grow up and I don't like eating steak, chicken or any other things like that. It snowed here again and does not feel like summer. I also hate math. I hope you are well.

Love, Avi

Awww shucks. This kid is up for a world of ridicule if he plans on being a vegetarian footballer. The whole weekend he was asking me veggie questions, or what I like to call "fringe dweller" questions. These are generally the type of folk who are on the fence-line about eating meat and who really poke around to find out more. They are asking for facts, and facts are what you must give them.

I wonder tho-..Orthodox football hopeful..are footballs kosher?

Anyways, cute kid. But it would just never work. I was a major math geek growing up. Math club and all...

9 months of trouble!

another great scare flick...

And the funny thing is instead of my first thoughts being on sexism in the media they were directed somewhere along the lines of, yep, time to get on birth control. Ya think?

Side note: You have to show id when getting plan b over the counter. I asked the pharmacist, "So, you have to be over age to access this?" She just looked past me and said "Yes." "Hm..that's funny because it seems as though younger girls are the ones who should have access to this." She walked away. Ouch.

Really though, let's not give girls birth control, because, well, you know, juno was such a cute pregnant girl and all...and so is jamie lets have everyone under 18 get pregnant, and the older girls, well...too bad. being a teenage mom is just so fucking in these days...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

night of the living jews

Saw it. Loved it. You will too...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ask and you shall receive...

Maybe the general aversion to -asking- comes from submerged memories of having to ask to go to the bathroom as a child, or having to ask for help with your homework, or asking for a ride someplace. Then maybe we get to some stage where the last thing we want to do is ask for anything. Asking for directions...Asking for a hug...As if the ask is inherently weak. The ask is a manifestation of dependance. As though we resist the acceptance of our mortality, by resisting the ask.

I find myself in this constant interplay of existing in a peaceful state and then alternating to, well, something less balanced. For example, going to a great yoga class, connecting with a group of people, blissed out, and then walking down the street later, a man yells and suddenly I'm like - fuck off! Pitta on fire.

I think a lot of people experience this dilemma (especially when driving hello!). And I do call it a dilemma, because you know, how are you putting peace into the world when we have the capacity for putting so much anger (i.e. FEAR) into it?

There is this idea of working to balance these modes of being - of literally, like, when going to sleep at night first asking, ask yourself truly, I ask to be a more loving, a more compassionate person. I ask to have more patience for people. I ask myself to be stronger..etc, whatever it is.

We get in the way of ourselves so often. Whether its because you sabotage yourself or your happiness, or you get stuck in your head, or you think shit like this is just some hippy new age crap. If we work out stuff despite these things, and just say, for the hell of it, i am going to wake up this morning, and ask of myself, i ask to be aware of the infinite opportunities which the universe is streaming with, wouldn't this affect our day to day life?

I have walked by this one street corner about 100 times and last week I noticed this structure there, that I had never seen before. But it had always been there...and this is just a corner. So how much is going on in general in our lives, that we are blind to, shut out from. Because we don't ask to see it.

Just like it seems that so many lovers have a problem with asking. Whether it's asking to give or asking for, it seems that many people become mute. When the brain is the largest sexual organ, what worlds of desires, fantasys, or needs are being wasted because people are stopping with just gauging what someone enjoys/doesn't with their noises/or physicalizations. Without asking, how would you ever really conceivably know, what would blow someones mind out...?

I am trying to get more intimate with asking. I think it is a manifestation of strength. Asking of oneself, for oneself, of others, to give...Like it all ties back in to this cycle of gratitude. And you know, it can't hurt. All it can do is make me a little more at peace with peace with the world...

Monday, February 18, 2008

this is awesome...

The documentary itself is. I mean, trailer is fine, but, whatever, fuck it, It's like 1.99 on itunes. Get it.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

sexual repression and obsession in traditional jewish practice: the case of the kitzur shulhan arukh

-there are a lot of holes here still. i will come back when i have more time.

Doreen Seidler-Feller is a sex therapist. She is also a practicing jew, and has many clients who are orthodox. Years ago, an orthodox woman came to her. She had been married for a year, and she and her husband had not yet been able to consummate their marriage. Doreen began working with her, beginning by giving her a dildo to bring home. She was instructed to experiment with herself using the dildo. She came back, and her next instruction was to have her husband watch her doing that. She came back the next week, and told Doreen, "He cannot watch me doing that... Our children will be blind and damned.." Or something to that effect - I cannot remember exactly.

This is what led Doreen and her husband, Rabbi Chaim, to study The Kitzur Shulhan Arukh, and all of the other philosophic writings, scriptures, the talmud,etc... to find the source of where this repression is based. It's really interesting, that all of these repressive laws, or philosophies, don't actually have any basis in the talmud. The talmud itself is liberating in comparison. These were radical ideas, extreme ideas, from thinkers who grappled probably with their own neurosis with the concept of holiness in contradiction to desire/lust/etc...and these extreme views through time, became the template for, well, largely the orthodox sect of judaism.

Look at Maimonides, who was a physician as well as a philosophist. Even when approaching sexual relations with a more realistic view (compared to the writers who said, look at your wife's genitals and your children will be blind..etc), he remains completely contradictory.

A man's wife is permitted to him. Therefore a man may do whatever he desires with his wife. He may engage in relations whenever he desires, kiss any organ he desires, engage in vaginal or anal intercourse or engage in physical intimacy without relations, provided he does not release seed in vain.

He then follows that with...

Nevertheless, it is pious conduct for a person not to act frivolously concerning such matters and to sanctify himself at the time of relations, as explained in Hilchot Deot. He should not depart from the ordinary pattern of the world. For this act was given to us solely for the sake of procreation.

He states that sexual relations are for the sole purpose of procreation, while simultaneously stating that anal or oral sex is kosher. Clearly, the purpose of those forms of sex are purely for pleasure, and have no connection whatsoever with procreation.

Therein lies the jewish neurosis.

He frames sex as sort of this, well you should strive to be like ben azzai (a eunuch for the lord) but, if you must, because you can't (flawed), then marry, fulfill your marital obligations regularly, but do so with a mind focused on your study and the torah, and not on anything remotely arousing. He states that it is permissible to not be married and to devote your life to the study of the torah. This is actually, illegal, according to jewish law, for the law states that it is your duty to marry and have children.

The jewish religion is the only one (major) that does not have a monastic sect.

In the is stated that "When engaging in marital relations, your intention should not be to satisfy your personal pleasure but as one fulfilling his obligation to satisfy her conjugal rights and also to fulfill the command of your creator, and to have children who engage in torah study, and to fulfill the mitzvos of the jewish people."

Basically, have sex, don't enjoy it, because your wife needs it (of the earth, animal) but you (man) keep your thoughts on torah (elevated/holy.)

Oy, no wonder that couple couldn't get it going on...

These rulings go on and on -about how when having intercourse you should have it in the dark, never with lights on, never under moonlight, always veiled and concealed. That you should refrain from speaking, from dirty talk, from anything which will arouse. On an though the male desire is this incredible force that needs to be constantly put in check, so overpowering and unstoppable it is otherwise.

The chicken or the egg. Does male sexuality inform the laws, or do the laws inform the sexuality?

An ex-boyfriend of mine, who was basically an athiest, was raised in a catholic family. When we first started having sex, he was really having issues with premature ejaculation. Over time this went away (i think it was a confidence issue maybe...) but initially when I tried talking to him about it, he stated that it was because when he was younger he would masturbate as fast as he could to get the job done, because god was watching him. First off, it was difficult for me to buy that, but you know, I guess I get that. At the time, I was like, what, playing the blame game with your god in regards to our sex life? Even athiests have been fucked up by religion enough to somehow have these longterm effects on ones sexual evolution...

And for a little closing note...

"It is forbidden to discharge semen in vain. This is a graver sin than any other in the Torah."

5 minutes. 2 scotches. 1 subject. roadkill. go.

I saw your eyes
- before your body rose-
they looked/blinked/watered/teared...

did you see your life flash by you as you watched for my reaction reflected through the window?

did you remember your birth/ sucking your mother's milk/ your first pet/ your first fuck
or were you fixed...had you never experienced the fulfillment the conclusion of the first sniff from anothers ass...

were you lonely?

I saw your eyes
brown big and dewy
as you rose. rose high above the city street. 4 lanes wide.
running. why were you running there. with no ties
with no leash no arm to keep you
safe by ones side

I saw your eyes and i knew immediately
you would not be lapping up water in a warm house tonight
you would never go running in a field
except for a field of dreams
you would never curl up to sleep
at someones feet

I saw your eyes

my heart broke like your bones upon contact
into a million shattered pieces
i cried
for you
before you hit the ground
i cried out
for your eyes
for your cold wet drippy nose
for the licks you would never again give

i saw your eyes


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shalom: or how I learned to quit worrying and love the Sabbath

I love Shabbat. Not that I practice anything, but with the regular pace of my mind/body/lifestyle, its so rare to give yourself a day to just relax, to just be a little slower, more aware. Just connect with yourself at a deeper level .

It is also a mitvah to have sex on the Sabbath day. Word up to keeping that shit holy.

I went to the gym to wake up, and then afterwards I went to this biblioyoga class. It was a really great class. The instructor, Marcus Freed, has developed a wonderful design with the intermixing of jewish mysticism with yogic principals.

Yoga predates all organized religion; there were drawings of yoga positions in the caves of Mesopotamia.

Yoga is oneness and uniting, and at its mystic essence, so is judaism. This all came before any organized religion, and it's much more in line with how I vibe. With my practice I really focus on developing and deepening my connection...with others, the universe, myself...So for me, having always identified as an athiest, I think that came from some horrid hebrew school projections of some man in the sky. Of course that never fit with me. It wasn't until I really started to see so much mistranslation and projections of ideas, that I was able to connect this concept of god with breath, like a soul-breath, or energy, or spirit or whatever other name I want to give it.

If you sit down and rub your palms together really fiercely, then pull them apart facing one another, you can literally feel the Energy. It is tangible. You can hold it, and then play with it, moving your hands closer and further away. On a small scale, this is how we can immediately connect to that energy surrounding all of us, intertwining and connecting us all.

We started out doing breathe work, moved into opening body sequences, and then into vinyasanas, all while Marcus really tied in the breathe, energy of the class, and body work, with the idea/application of ruach, and breathe into oneness. After the closing sequences and shavasana, we ended together with a "Shal-Ommm" which I had a good chuckle over.

the soul breathe of every living being shall bless your name

Lili and I had a great time last night, and went to this awesome lecture called Banned in Brooklyn, which I will write about later when I have some more time. I have to drive back to LA later on for the derby bout and then come back afterwards. We have met a lot of really awesome people; those who I generally would never have met in my life in LA.

So, Shabbat Shalom!

PS: What do orthodox jews and myself have in common?

Highland Park aged 18 years.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

another day at the office...

I just got back to work from Glendale, where I was sent by my boss to pick up some forms at the Glendale Courthouse.

It was all sunny out, with a thick breeze, driving with the windows down...blasting some black keys..I park about 6 blocks away from the courthouse where I can park for free. As I am walking towards the building, this guy sitting at a bus stop turns around as I walk by and screeches out "Dammmmmn" as if I had laid out his nuts under a stiletto heal and was pressing down on them. Normally, I would just ignore this and keep on walking. This man, however, thinks that wasn't enough and proceeds to let a slew of obscenities come my way. The people sitting at the bus stop seem all awkward about this guys behavior and all sheepishly look away. I turn around and yell, "Fuck off asshole!" He yells out at me, "Pervert! Look at what you're wearing." That's all I heard left because I had traveled out of earshot at this point and it was getting windy.

First off: Let's review.

per·vert [v. per-vurt; n. pur-vert]
–verb (used with object)
1. to affect with perversion.
2. to lead astray morally.
3. to turn away from the right course.
4. to lead into mental error or false judgment.
5. to turn to an improper use; misapply.
6. to misconstrue or misinterpret, esp. deliberately; distort: to pervert someone's statement.
7. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.
8. Pathology. to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.
9. to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong.
10. a person who practices sexual perversion.
11. Pathology. a person affected with perversion.

Now, not that this should ever matter, but I was wearing a summer dress. It goes about 6 inches past my fingertips making it appropriate attire for even a public high school. My cleavage was slightly visible, but c'mon, I have ginormous boobs, I could wear a damn turtleneck and you would still notice. I had on a denim jacket over this. Now, how does my clothing make me a pervert? Fuck off is right to this ignorant asshole who enjoys harassing women in the streets.

I have been jogging at 6am before, in sweats, and men on their way to work, early morning meetings, no coffee yet, will somehow have the ability to roll down their windows, hoot and holler, as if I am going to run after them and beg to sit on their dick on their way to work.

I am pretty sure that most women have to deal with jerks like this every day that they walk down a street. This probably all began for me when I was like, 12, so I have had more than enough years trying to ignore this type of crap. I mean, you really can't let it get to you, ya know.

I may be a pervert as some of my friends can well attest too. But it is definitely not for the clothing I wear. In fact, I do believe this man has a perverted idea of what a pervert is....Jerk.


If I have ever spoken with you about yoga, then no doubt you have heard me mention Adam. Adam is the most amazing yogi I have ever had the opportunity to study from, and he graces Hollywood every week. His sequencing is superb, his instincts are on point, and his humor will melt your heart chakra. Every day that I go to his class, I leave inspired, invigorated, and released.

Today, fitting since it is Valentine's Day, we did the last portion of our class just doing partner work. We did a number of different series, but my favorite is the wheel pose, or urdhva dhanurasana. This position opens your chest and lungs, stimulates your thyroid, increases energy, and is the bomb for strengthening your back. Doing this position alone is incredible enough. You feel your heart opening, the blood pumping rushing in, all your internal walls breaking down. You come out of the position and you literally feel high. So imagine what's like with a partner!


We did two series of these today, the first with one partner, the second with two. I have done it with one partner before, but the two was a whole new world. When doing this with one person, you start lying on your back with your knees up, your head underneath your partners legs. You grab his ankles, realign yourself, and then lift up to the crown of your head. Your partner wraps a towel at the base of your shoulder muscles, and you both lift at the same time. While you are pushing up, he is pulling your chest out and up, deeping and opening your body beyond what one can do by themselves. Then we did it with another partner, so while one had your chest, the other had wrapped their towel above your tail bone and they are pulling up and out at the same time as well. So you are being extended in opposite directions. I can't even describe what the sensation is like if you have never done it. It was amazing! What a wonderful way to start your day!


There are three paths for ones life. Your personal one, where you do things for yourself. There is one for others, where you give and support your family, friends, loved ones, strangers, etc...And the third one - the one in which you work to connect the two. This path is your breath. Only by giving to yourself, will you be able to give to others, and in return, you develop a cycle of generosity which flows through your life. Finding that middle ground...Your true center...

I'm a work in progress. But then again...who isn't?

Happy Valentine's Day again! Be lovely.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

v- day

Single people on Valentines Day f'n rock! They go out, get crazy drunk and slutty and run around goosing everyone in the bar. How can you not appreciate that?

CNN did this study where they determined that 40 million American married couples have sex less than 10 times a year.

I'm just sayin'

Oh - and apes in the wild are fucking face to face now!


Too cute!

It's my parents 32nd wedding anniversary tomorrow. I could probably count the number of my friends on one hand whose parents are still together. So mazel tov to the old folks! Can you believe they got married on Valentine's?

man meat

Today there was this posting on my fave site, Jezebel.

My thoughts about the subject and then the actual article.

Most of the men I have dated in my life have been vegetarians. And come to think of it, yes, they have all kind of been fucking sissies. My days of the skinny ass/artrockers are truly over. I always thought that I wanted to be with men with my same interests, ie...veganism, but who the fuck really wants a vegan man? First off, they were all so skinny it was like you were fucking bones. That doesn't really make me feel like a woman. They were all pretty peaceful (for the most part unless you count weird moments of rage from bottling up every thing you can't communicate...) and damn it, I want to be thrown around and totally controlled in bed. Not so much these guys - vegetarian men tend to shy away from domination... I tend to be such the power point in relationships and I don't actually like that transferring to sex however.

For logistics, I honestly don't want to go on a date and watch a guy suck down some red meat and then try to kiss me. He can go out with his friends, and I will take my girls over to Cru. But then, I want him to come over and be a fucking man. And I want him to be able to come over for dinner, and love my fabulous cooking, but not bitch because there is no bacon in it. Ya dig?

This guy that I was dating for a few months last year ate meat. He never really ate it around me though. I had told him a number of times that I didn't want to be his girlfriend (he was way dependent...) When I came back from Israel (after traveling around with a bunch of mens eating schwarma and climbing mountains) I told him that is wasn't working out. He freaks out, starts calling my girlfriends "Did you see this coming!!!??" and then decides to become a vegetarian. I called him out on it and he was adamant that he wanted to be a veggie for himself and not in some pathetic attempt to entice me back to him. Last time I ran into him, he told me he started eating meat after a couple of months. Unfortunately for him, he is still a fucking sissie either way.

So anyways, yes I am entering a new path in my life. One where the men eat meat and know how to spank a lady. Save the raw veggies for me.


"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit." Ha! That's Anthony Bourdain in the best-selling memoir Kitchen Confidential, and the writer/celebrity chef's famous phrase made an appearance in today's New York Times, which, on the eve of Valentine's Day, delves into the issue of dietary restrictions as potential dealbreakers among couples. A vegan quoted in the article, Lisa Romano, says that she recently dumped a boyfriend because he liked grilling his burgers alongside her soy patties, something she found "unenlightened and disturbing." Explains Romano: "I need someone who is ethically on the same page." That makes sense: If not killing animals for food is so high on someone's ethical scale that she refrains from eating meat, I imagine that her moral compass is set pretty differently from that of a rampant carnivore.

Maybe it's just me -- and I'm already anticipating the hate comments I will get about this -- but something about a man refusing to eat meat seems sort of...sissy-like. I realize it's probably cultural brainwashing, but when I hear the phrase "male vegetarian", I picture a dude with matted dreads and a patchouli stink who cries when a tree is felled. In short: I picture a hippie, and I cannot hold with hippies. Take the male vegetarian and Florida real estate agent quoted in the Times, Ben Abdalla, 42, who says he prefers to date fellow vegetarians because meat eaters smell bad and have low energy." Anyone using the word "energy"? Definitely a hippie.

To be fair, these are not entirely fair assumptions about men who shun meat. But they are real. An (admittedly old) study commissioned by the Vegetarian Times conducted way back in 1992 found that "of the 12.4 million people who call themselves vegetarian, 68 percent are female while only 32 percent are male." (We're looking for more recent statistics.) And the women at Feministing, in fact, have an fascinating post about a set of new Maxim-like PETA ads which assert that (in their words) "it's okay to buck the stereotype of Real Men Eat Red Meat, because here are some naked ladies to reassure you that you're still a superhetero manly man!" (Plus, there's an entire book called The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams, which apparently intertwines feminism and vegetarianism. Go figure!)

I also polled the other Jezebels, and honestly, most are a little prejudiced against the idea of a male vegetarian. Moe admits that she's "prejudiced against sissies but would date a vegetarian... only if he wasn't a sissy about it though. Like, no freaking out about chicken boullion or whatever." Tracie says she converted a vegan to a full blown flesh-eater: "My ex was a vegan for 10 years when we met and I used to use eggs and chicken stock in recipes after a while and not tell him. Then I got him to eat fish and now he eats steak like every day. I changed him for the better." And Jennifer? She says, she's only gone out with one vegetarian in her lifetime. "I met him at yoga class," she says. "He was a sissy. Hence the reason we only went on three dates. That and he was a really bad kisser."

Then you have someone like my brother, who only ate meat and potatoes growing up, and is now married to a vegetarian. She won't cook meat herself, but she is never judgmental about it when my brother orders a burger, proving that love can conquer carnivorous instincts. Question is, how much of a dealbreaker is a person's issues with food? And how often do people put aside major dietary differences for true romance?

on a side note however...

Obama is sweeping!!! Take it home boy, take it all home.
We are going to kill the republicans this November.

And...check it out this weekend...

Don't miss a double-derby weekend Feb 16th and 17th with your Los Angeles Derby Dolls!

Saturday Feb 16th - Live Banked Track Roller Derby with the L.A. Derby Dolls! (buy your tix now this will sell out!)

Sunday Feb 17th - L.A. Premiere of "Hell on Wheels"! (which includes a 2003 interview with the L.A. Derby Dolls)


Hell On Wheels
American Cinematheque at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles
***Presented by the Los Angeles Derby Dolls (
Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 7:30 PM
6712 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 466-FILM
Tickets available at:
**director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell in attendance for post screening Q&A

Check out the movie trailer:


I am going to the LimmudLA conference all weekend, so I will just be jetting up to get to the bout Sat night before I head back. I will unfort miss the movie, but it should be awesome with all the kick ass DD's in the house. I love these bitches.

sell out

I have an old friend out here who kind of abruptly stopped speaking to me.

There was this alumni drinking event that went down this last weekend while I was in Denver kicking it with the Chassids.


My girl went and proceeded to get shit-faced.
When she was talking to this old friend he told her that he was never speaking to me again, to which my friend replied

Um, Why?

Well, you know how she is.


I just can't do this to myself again.

- She was drinking so that's all I got.

First off, I think he's acted incredibly immature by just shutting down without any communication with me.
Secondly, what - you know how she is? What in the hell does that mean? Let's be honest, we have all had out ups and downs - but friendship is actually not about being there for someone when they only do what you agree with, or think is right, or act how you expect them to act. It's about being there for someone, even when they do something you disagree with, say something you don't like, or act a fool sometimes. Because we have all been known to do this. This particular friend has decided to abruptly take away his friendship, and apparently values me so little that he has done so without the slightest form of communication as to why.

We got into an argument in Santa Fe once, where he was angry and upset with me and I had no idea why. Finally, a day later, he tells me that I said something that hurt his feelings. I told him that I was sorry for that, but unless if he communicates that with me, how in the world would I know. Friends aren't mind readers buddy. We all have to do our bit of work...

Anyways, yes, I am incredibly hurt to have lost this friendship. On the other side though, it was an exhausting one. That's a strange and shitty realization to have. I just have to let it go, and wish him the best. Maybe he will one day pull the can of judgement out of his fucking ass and we will have a conversation and a hug again. Although I highly fucking doubt that.

Monday, February 4, 2008

the most disgusting thing i've ever seen

And I unfortunately have seen the 2 girls 1 cup vid. Can someone please just shoot these fucking plastic idiots? Please. And wtf? is up with her hands? Retarded jazz hands much?'s almost super tuesday

i'd like to see us fix the fucking voting system...yes we can

Sunday, February 3, 2008

you're invited to the pity party

I had the most craptastic derby practice tonight. I could not get the fuck out of my head to skate. I know I am strong enough; for fucks sakes I know how to skate. 75% of everything is attitude and I was totally set in this state of mind "Oh, it's so hard...I suck...This is fucking impossible..." Uggg. I need to practice more and work on getting out of my head. I really need to pick something to focus on like "today I will work on my t-stops, or today I will work on skating backwards." Or I just need to pretend like practice is a two hour audition for Whip It. Actually, I bet that would be quite effective.

I am done with my moaning. I will go get over this with some Jameson on the rocks. Happy fucking Super Bowl Sunday bitches.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

the morning after...

Sometimes young fun gals will invite people over to share conversation and good times over a bottle of Jameson. Sometimes, silly gals will get a little tipsy and hook up with one such person they invited over. And sometimes, said girl might be so tipsy she does something she never does outside of monogamous relationships, namely have unprotected sex.

Which brings me to the following day, where being the good paranoid non-birth control taking jewish girl I am, I figure I have to go get the morning after pill. I mean, just because someone doesn't come inside you, doesn't mean you can't get preggers. Right? - Fuck, am i ovulating now? When is this timing/shit again? Damn why don't I pay attention to this shit!-

You have a few choices as a woman in regards to how to obtain such a pill. You can a: go to the free clinic and wait 4 hours and are forced to get a fucking pap smear no matter if you have a regular gyn b: go to planned parenthood, wait 3 hours and pay $30 for plan b, or c: go to the pharmacy and pay $50 for immediate state of mind.

Believe me, if men where the ones who could get pregnant, the morning after pill would be fucking free. Or subsidized and cost about $5. It infuriates me, that the ones who this money is an issue for, teens, starving artists, poor folks, etc..are people who should be able to have access to a basic fucking right to not getting pregnant so they not choose to be.

I went to the pharmacy, dropped $50 of my hard-earned money, and took the pills later on in the evening along with the remaining swills of the leftover whisky.

Now who says staying in and drinking was cheaper than hitting the bars.