Thursday, February 14, 2008


If I have ever spoken with you about yoga, then no doubt you have heard me mention Adam. Adam is the most amazing yogi I have ever had the opportunity to study from, and he graces Hollywood every week. His sequencing is superb, his instincts are on point, and his humor will melt your heart chakra. Every day that I go to his class, I leave inspired, invigorated, and released.

Today, fitting since it is Valentine's Day, we did the last portion of our class just doing partner work. We did a number of different series, but my favorite is the wheel pose, or urdhva dhanurasana. This position opens your chest and lungs, stimulates your thyroid, increases energy, and is the bomb for strengthening your back. Doing this position alone is incredible enough. You feel your heart opening, the blood pumping rushing in, all your internal walls breaking down. You come out of the position and you literally feel high. So imagine what's like with a partner!


We did two series of these today, the first with one partner, the second with two. I have done it with one partner before, but the two was a whole new world. When doing this with one person, you start lying on your back with your knees up, your head underneath your partners legs. You grab his ankles, realign yourself, and then lift up to the crown of your head. Your partner wraps a towel at the base of your shoulder muscles, and you both lift at the same time. While you are pushing up, he is pulling your chest out and up, deeping and opening your body beyond what one can do by themselves. Then we did it with another partner, so while one had your chest, the other had wrapped their towel above your tail bone and they are pulling up and out at the same time as well. So you are being extended in opposite directions. I can't even describe what the sensation is like if you have never done it. It was amazing! What a wonderful way to start your day!


There are three paths for ones life. Your personal one, where you do things for yourself. There is one for others, where you give and support your family, friends, loved ones, strangers, etc...And the third one - the one in which you work to connect the two. This path is your breath. Only by giving to yourself, will you be able to give to others, and in return, you develop a cycle of generosity which flows through your life. Finding that middle ground...Your true center...

I'm a work in progress. But then again...who isn't?

Happy Valentine's Day again! Be lovely.

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