Wednesday, February 13, 2008

v- day

Single people on Valentines Day f'n rock! They go out, get crazy drunk and slutty and run around goosing everyone in the bar. How can you not appreciate that?

CNN did this study where they determined that 40 million American married couples have sex less than 10 times a year.

I'm just sayin'

Oh - and apes in the wild are fucking face to face now!


Too cute!

It's my parents 32nd wedding anniversary tomorrow. I could probably count the number of my friends on one hand whose parents are still together. So mazel tov to the old folks! Can you believe they got married on Valentine's?


Meredith R. said...

I'm usually adverse to user-generated pet videos set to popular music but that little gem captures the spirit of this holiday like none other. Nothing says love like coughing up your significant others hairball. Hallmark, you can quote me on that.


Haha. Love you baby! Happy v day!