Monday, December 15, 2008

...a rerun of Dallas and a pint of ice cream?...

The Art of Meeting Men

All my single ladies: Seriously. This works. Why just last night I went to the local watering hole with my Virginia is For Lovers t-shirt, held my stuffed bunny rabbit close to my heart, and spilled my Mai Tai and Long Island Ice Tea on every man in the place. They swallowed up my, "I can't believe that Andre Ethier's average is only .305. I mean, he's just so....tall!" (SECRET: And this is where I would spill the drink so as to change the subject and avoid follow-up!)

I also discovered that the whisper is the most powerful tool I've never used before (which is probably why I've been single till now...well, that and all those Dallas reruns!) I did it so well that one man even said to me, "Wow, I'd like to take you home with me. A hot mute is nothing but marriage material!" Touchdown!!! Er, I mean - HOME-RUN!

So ladies, take note. As my best friend told me, "Just cause you didn't meet him online doesn't mean he doesn't want to make out with you."

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