Saturday, January 31, 2009

Because Matt Hearts Segways....

My dear blogger friend just commented on my little Segway snap. I felt it was entitled to a post of its own. I'm feeling very Wolfish tonight....

Blogger Matthew said...
what benefit does it bring to reduce a population of people to a stereotype based on Costco and Segways?
sorry "lazy asses Americans" is a pet peeve of mine. it's just another meaningless "us" and "them"
PS - Segway's go 12mph, I'd like to see a toddler go 12mph. :p

Reducing a population to a stereotype does us no benefit Matt. I am no Dalai Lama...

Perhaps, what I meant, underneath my urban snark and constant degrading and annoying generalizations, starts somewhere like this....

I drove to Costco in a car fueled by gasoline that came from somewhere in the Middle East. That gasoline was shipped with more gasoline to our states, presumably to some insane loading dock, to some other elaborate facilities to end up at the corporate Chevron in Echo Park where I fueled up my car.

I drove said car into the massive parking lot only to be stuck in a waiting line of suvs and giant trucks for far too long, as the cars sputtered and idled, as people honked, as the hot sun beat against the exhaust fumes. I finally parked, and I walked across the lot to the entrance of the store.

Outside is a huge eating area, which, perhaps because it was "lunchtime" was filled with people sitting and eating. Taking in the view, I saw men and women eating giant hotdogs and burgers, kids with huge plates of meat, couples eating candy, sodas overflowing. I couldn't help but notice, that most of the people outside, were grossly overweight. From the men in wheelchairs, to the ladies whose pants don't even begin to conceal the rolls and layers of loose flesh, it was a sight that I felt to be - unnatural. This is not a description of the -fat fear frenzy- that ironically plagues our country, but of an innate organic reaction I had as a human being responding to the vision of the living dead. There was no healthy skin, kids laughing and giggling, hair shining. It was literally a swarming ground of malnutrition within the excess.

I walked in and it took a while for my vision to adjust from the suns rays to the white booming flood lights which are splayed across the warehouse ceilings. I found a cart, a giant one, as that is all there is there, with which to go find the items I was sent there for. I couldn't find signs anywhere, I had no idea where to go, and so I began wandering through the aisles. The aisles are filled, booming, overflooding with what is largely processed plastic garbage. From the enormous bags of frozen factory chicken breasts (given the genetic breakdown for these, we'd most likely see that these "chickens" are largely just hormones, chemicals and corn) to the stacks and stacks of "cheap" t-shirts that were shipped overseas from a country whose name I cannot pronounce, that were made by young girls for pennies, from a company that outsources to outsourcers to the even more outsourced (I may be inventing new words here...) to the back aisle where lies the paper products, and in a flash - from one moment eying the 45 rolls per package of toilet paper- I had this image. The image of all that paper, every day that we go through. The piles and piles lying underneath our broken cities sewer systems. The wastes and the plastics and the hormones all flooding into our oceans.

I saw the weight of it all (no pun intended. maybe.) and it killed me. And I thought of how I play into it. The fact that I rode my car here. The fact that I too, use toilet paper. And I thought of the miles of frozen dinners in freezers that this facility contained, and I declared -" Yes! Yes Matt. We ARE a nation of fucking lazy asses. Standing around, shopping into further debt, oblivious to our own demise - our own ignorance. What good is it, to anyone, to ignore the reality of that which is Costco, of that, which is the Seqway. We are spending our lives in search of more garbage to consume as if we didn't get that shit shoveled at us from every politician, from every CEO. Is any of this necessary? No. Is any of it healthy or conducive to a life of happiness? No. (I will base this on the general premise that happiness is based on two things: 1. Doing work which you love to do. 2. Developing and deepening intimate relationships with family, friends, community, etc...) We need Costco about as much as you need a Segway. Which is, basically, you don't.

Oh, and just to add on here. Just because I am a little snark (damn this city damn it all!) I can merely say this. Perhaps if we stopped feeding our toddlers McDonalds every night, they wouldn't be so doped out on chemicals we used in WWII and they would be going faster than 12mph. That, however, would be an entirely new problem for us in the states. One that would be far more interesting and far more enjoyable, than the infinite number of ones we currently face.

PS. Just to be clear, its not just Costcos I despise. But I will save you from reading my rant on the industrial "organic" industry and how Whole Foods can suck it for another evening...

PPS. It's just because I CARE.


Matthew said...

i would take a deeper look at the mind that thinks seeing people as unnatural living dead is "innate and organic" because in a different context, you could see those same people as kind, loving and beautiful. having aversion to people you don't know based on their appearance, actions or proximity to a bulk warehouse store is not a biological response, it's a mental choice based on previous conditioning.

if it were innate, there would be no hope for a better world. it's because we have the choice to reject our conditioning and see people differently that makes it possible to make the world a better place.

everything else is just external circumstance. external circumstance isn't the root of our problems, it's the symptom. if we had the magic ability to shape the world into an external utopia, it would only be temporary and people would still be unhappy.

because happiness comes from within. <3


I totally have to continue to disagree with you. Matt- if you saw a 300plus pound man in a wheelchair - who was only on that wheelchair because of his weight, you are going to tell me that my aversion to that (I will state - to that situation and not to the man himself or his essence - I am in no way shape or form commenting on people as though they aren't kind or loving, etc...)is based around my mental conditioning and not around the fact that that is not the way a human body is supposed to live??? We weren't meant to be overstuffed and unable to move. We just weren't. And I don't care how kind someone is, happiness is tied to health, and being unable to move your body, or to be dependent upon machines for help, while you have no disabilities other than your weight, is just not biologically natural.

I called my response to the sight innate, because I write how I feel, and I write informally, and personally, and this isn't a damn science blog. I called it innate, because it was what I would imagine a deer looking at another deer with its legs caught in a trap feels like. It hurts when you see another human who is wounded, and for me, we are all connected, and for me, yes, that person was wounded, and for me, in whatever varieties it come is, we are all wounded, I do not disconnect myself from this.

I have nothing but HOPE for a better world. I have HOPE that we can take back our health, and our bodies, and our connection to nature, and how and what we eat, and say - Fuck You to mega-industries, fuck you to experts and specialists who live by convincing people they have no part to play in determining their own health, Fuck You to a diet composed of artificial man-made high fructose corn syrup, Fuck You for dumbing us and numbing us down and filling us up so that we were too fuzzy minded to see that they've been too damn busy spraying atrazine and butane over our food supplies and we have not stopped them (as europe has done), but we will stop them, and we will demand our rights as humans, and we must have HOPE and I only get by on HOPE, and yes, my HOPE is also based around the fact that that beautiful man in the wheelchair because he is too large to get up and walk, will realize how incredible and magical and mysterious and beautiful this world is, and will take charge of his life and get up and walk.

Happiness comes from within - I am a constant abuser of generalizing (HELLO!) but at least when I talk about Happiness, I try to frame it in something concrete and actual and specific. How can we obtain something so abstract otherwise?

Matthew said...

"my HOPE is also based around the fact that that beautiful man in the wheelchair because he is too large to get up and walk, will realize how incredible and magical and mysterious and beautiful this world is, and will take charge of his life and get up and walk."

did you just see WALL-E? :p

the man you saw is a figment of your imagination. you created a fictional man who was in a wheelchair for one reason and one reason only (his weight) and that his weight was only due to his inability take control of his life.

to suit your own views, you chose a simplistic, stereotypical explanation with no thought to the fact that life is so much more complex than that.

there could be a million reasons (or an endless combination reasons!) for that man to be in a wheelchair. you even mentioned (and dismissed) some yourself. here's some easy ones:
- he's disabled
- he's injured
- he's recovering from surgery
- he has arthritis

and even if it was weight related, why does he weigh what he weighs?
- genetically predisposed to being larger
- thyroid disorder
- on medication that screws with his weight
- has an eating disorder
- dieted his whole life, yo-yo'ing for years until he finally fried his metabolism for good.

[you neglected to say "fuck you" to the diet, weight loss & exorcise industry, which do far more damage to people's mental and physical health and happiness than any of the "experts and specialists" that you said fuck you to.]

is it possible he simply chooses to eat more than exorcise for whatever reason? sure, but so what? maybe your idea of a happy mind and body is different from his.

there's plenty of people in the world who eat right, exorcise and are surrounded by people who care about them, but are still miserable. (happiness comes from within)

there's also the fact that you chose this man, who at his weight is an extremely tiny minority of the population, to represent the problems of the country and the world. why isn't your poster child a person of average height and weight? cause those people out number everyone else on the planet and by sheer population advantage they contribute more to the issues our world faces.

what is concrete, actual and specific about changing the external world to create happiness? the external world is not concrete, it is always changing, always in flux, we exhaust ourselves trying to force it to fit into our narrow concept of what will bring us happiness. and if we do reach a brief moment of equilibrium for ourself (nevermind happiness for others) something changes and it's gone.

happiness within is not abstract. it's actually a lot more concrete, actual and specific than fighting with the everchanging external world. you train your mind to find the positive in every situation, no matter how difficult, and you end up with a positive, peaceful mind all the time. then, if by circumstances outside your immediate control, you end up weighing more than you did previously or sitting in a wheel chair, you're not unhappy, because you've created happiness in your mind, separate from your body and health.

you can still enjoy physical activity and a balanced meal while practicing happiness within, you just know in your heart, that even when you can't enjoy physical activity anymore (there comes a time for all of us) and when illness takes away your ability to eat what you want (again, only a matter of time), then you can still have a positive, peaceful mind.


Matthew said...

RE: Facebook

"But, just to remind you, I never said that Happiness had anything to do with the "external world," per se.

Happiness is centered largely around two things, 1: loving the work you do and 2: the development of your intimate relationships (be it with friends, family, community, etc...) So, yeah, if you hate yr job and yr loved ones, you can't be happy even if you think you can WITHIN."

now we're getting into a kind of loop.

on one side, a job and intimate relationships ARE external. anything outside of the mind is external, even our bodies are external to the mind.

but to what you said in the last sentence, if you hate anything, be it your job or loved ones, then you are not practicing happiness within and it will be extremely difficult to enjoy any happiness. the point of happiness within is that you can love ANY job and love ANYONE around you, because you're creating a mind that's happy regardless of those external things.


Perhaps I'll get around to responding tom? I don't know. I'm exhausted and this is soooo long.


I have not seen WALL-E Matt. I have been too darn busy with all these figments of my imagination.

Ha. and yes, life is COMPLEX. For one person their weight could have as little to do with "control" as for another it has to do with too much "control."

The man was a stereotype, Matt, because it was supposed to be. Because I was talking about Costcos and Segways, and they themselves are actualizations of said stereotype. They are. The American image of - quantity over quality, "cheap" over "haveyoureallyeverthoughtaboutwhatcheapmeans?"
A Segway is a novelty item. We would rather roll along at 10mph than walk fast, jog, ride a bike, a skateboard, skates. A Segway? Again- the Segway is the stereotype.

Why would I take my time, creating an image of a man:
- young, strong, alive - goes into surgery .... comes out obese in a wheelchair... next
- a man goes to iraq - gets a piece of shrapnel stuck in his ass, never gets it out, can't walk, gets in a wheelchair - gets obese.
- an man gets arthritis - gets obese
blah blah - BORING MATTHEW - IT'S BORING>>>>>>>>

And if I mentioned to neglect a big fuck you to the diet, weight loss and exercise industry - allow me to do it now....

- FUCK YOU - to the BILLION DOLLAR enterprise that BANKS on the FACT that americans are so disconnected with our historical traditions and cultures of HOW and WHAT and WHEN to EAT that we pay with our money and our lives for your complete and utter BULLSHIT. that we believe a protien shake and a processed energy bar is FOOD. that we buy into your EVIL marketing that WE ARE'NT ENOUGH. THAT WE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. that we have to be HARDER, FASTER, STRONGER, THINNER, THINNER, THINNER, to be GOOD. that we BELIEVE THAT SHIT. that we spent hundreds of dollars and thousands of dollars on weight loss doctors and specialists because we just don't know how to LISTEN to our bodies, OR JUST HOW TO BE IN OUR BODIES. fuck you for exploiting the masses with your infinitely replaceable, processed artificial creations, your sweat suits, your tonics and potions and powders, FUCK YOU FOR SELLING DIET PILLS TO YOUNG GIRLS OVER THE COUNTER. FUCK YOU THAT THEY DEVELOP ORGAN MALFUNCTIONS AND BOWEL DISORDERS WHEN THEY GET OLDER CUZ THAT SHIT F'D THEM UP. fuck you for getting away with it. fuck you for being able to live with yourselves and go to bed at night. you're just as fucked up as the rest of the corporate mind fucks who just want to SELL SELL SELL. you make me sick. YOU MAKE ME SO SICK I WANT TO GO LIVE OFF THE MOTHERFUCKINGGRID.

- ok, got that off my chest.

Anyways Matt, it was a stereotype and I back the use of it up. Now stop boring me with these boring stories of why this obese guy is so damn fat.

- The average size of an American is - plus sized. That is the norm yo. I didn't go off the wall with my selection of this guy, mmkay.

If you cared about the consciousness of everyone, if you are going to be so, well, so straight up Buddhist in your debate, well dearie, why don't you just step it up on a bit.

This EQUALITY - it's a moral idea. This man may be obese and in his big person wheelchair - but he's equal to you, right? He's equal to me? He has the same interest in a happy life as I do, as you do, as any of us do. So, how do you eat animals? Are not they equal, if we are not equating equality with anything other than a moral code? If we will dismiss any actual differentiation of traits, of characteristics, of talents and worth between humans...well, why stop there? Are you just discriminating among other species, in the EXACT same manner I may discriminate against the obese man? ( well, hold on - i merely created a figment of my imagination...i didn't eat one.) Do we only owe our sense of justice to men, fat or skinny, and not to all living creatures???

And again Matt- "positive, peaceful mind..." you've gotta come up with a more fun way of saying this shit or your teenage students are going to fall asleep in meditation


Matthew said...

You say the average american is plus sized, but that you choosing this man was not off the wall. The average american man is 191 pounds (thanks CDC!), you chose someone over one hundred pounds heavier for your example.

And if you think "fat's fat who cares," then would apply the same selection process to height? Would you pick someone who's over 8 feet tall to represent the average american man (5'9")?

A big part of the world's Fat-Fear-Frenzy as you put it, is that people exploit the extremes. Like how conservatives kept calling centerist politicians "liberal" until they affectively changed the definition of liberal to mean center and extreme radicals to what was previously just liberal. In the same way, everywhere you look, the media calls those in more extreme weight categories the "average" until the association in people's heads is that extremely large people are the average american, when in reality, they're a small part of the population and the average is (more boring) not even noticeably larger.

If the man is suppose to be a not-boring stereotype, then what is point exactly of creating him?

A lot of this sounds like creating imaginary dragons to pretend to slay.

All of the Fuck You's. All those people to be angry at, they don't exist either, because instead of addressing real people with families and friends, problems, and choices made good or bad, it's Fuck You to imagined evil people, twirling their mustaches.

I do recommend WALL-E by the way, at least the first half (until it forgets who it's main characters are).

Similarly I recommend the documentary The Corporation, cause it goes into that sense of trying to find someone evil to righteously say Fuck You to and only finding a bunch of ordinary people with their own problems and consciences, etc. It's deflating, discouraging and boring, when compared to slaying imagined dragons, but that's reality.

As for my eating meat, I'm working on it. I'm more aware of the great harm I've caused to countless living beings (and myself through Karma), and I have the wish to be vegetarian. Some days I am vegetarian, some weeks I'm vegetarian, so even though I'm not there yet, I believe I will be eventually.

Peace of mind might not be flashy, but when you count the number of Fuck You's in the world, peace of mind is definitely more rare and unique.



Of Course I have seen The Corporation.

This is - HollywoodenFLAMES, not (

All those fuck yous...Dude, when I am writing this, I am entertaining myself and hopefully a few others. I am not running around my life with anger for fake mustaches. In fact, they're kind of fun. I'm doing the best I can, every day, to bring a little more love, a little more give, and a little more flexibility to my world.

As to beginning some path where I think that would make for interesting posts...well, that's a whooooole nutha blog.

Matthew said...

Fake mustaches are fun, we can agree on that.

Keep on lovin' & givin' & flexin'
(no innuendo intended)