Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I believe...

I believe these women have made it impossible for me to ever use the word opposite again.
I believe that vocalizing ones opinion is very different from vocalizing what's on a script for a company's PSA.
I believe, in fact, that it's quite the OPPOSITE (shit. i did it.)
I believe this is annoying, and I believe I just had my hair did and that it looks really good.
I believe the children are our future, and that we should treat them well and let them lead the way.
I believe that having an orgasm is better than not having one.
I believe in the power of a tall glass of hard nostalgia.
I believe that if you pay for someone's new boobies, then you shouldn't mind if they take photos of them which get leaked online.
I believe in cuddles.
I believe that Aretha knows a bit something about respect, and that yeah, you should give it to her (just a little bit.)
I believe in gettin' jiggy with it.
I believe there are thousands and thousands of people who don't take pride in their states diversity.
I believe that beauty pageants are redoncadonk.
I believe in the fresh wise words of salt n pepa - opinions are like assholes everybody's got one.

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