Monday, October 20, 2008

a direct counterpoint to the liberal feminist agenda for america

So, I didn't drink at all this week and last night a girlfriend came over with a bottle of wine, which we drank. And then another girlfriend gave me a shot of whiskey. And then we went to the bar. And then I realized as I moved my car this am, that someone else had driven it back here.
My decision making process is about as great as McCains. Let me be specific, my decisions involving alcohol when I have been drinking are about as great as McCain's. My hypothesis is that old Jonny Boy is not just old and senile - but maybe he's fucking drunk. He's a drunk old squirrel looking to tap Palin's ass once Cindy is sleeping with her pill bottles and he's so drunk that he really believes that she (and him) are the best things to happen to America. I say a lot of silly stupid shit I really don't mean when I am drunk too.

Lucky for me though, I generally say said stupid shit around people who I know and love and not on FOX news for the entire country to replay at work all day long.

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