Monday, October 13, 2008

to the bartender who gives me free drinks...

Guess what? I didn't need them. In fact, I will be doing away with all drinking (again) and attempting to see how long I can do this for (although it's perfectly understandable that I may start up on Nov. 4th.) I got a late start yesterday and had yoga at 5 so come my time at the bar last night - still hadn't eaten. Which probably explained why I decided to park in the vicinity of Trader Joe's last night, walking 20 minutes in the late evening to my house. Wearing heels. I can't remember what I was thinking - perhaps, "hmmmm. Maybe I shouldn't be driving. In fact, why don't I just park here. Looks nice enough. Hey there's a tree - pretty..." Today has been a complete headache and I have to go and act now for the next three hours, when what I really want to do is take off my heels and dress and put on something cozy and watch Who framed Roger Rabbit while cuddling with my dog. Whatever, I got some aspirin from a neighbor so, maybe things are looking up.

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