Thursday, October 16, 2008

i wanna hold your hand

I am going to post some ridiculously cute and adorable thing every day till Nov 4th - because if I don't I am liable to keep losing it and let me tell you, I just can't keep blocking everyone I know on facebook.

"Calm the fuck down Pitta, it's just a national election, and like, not even for a reality show!"

I was so fired up today I didn't even go to yoga because I didn't want to have to share that crazy energy with a room full of unsuspecting yogis whose motto by and large is "don't talk politics." (the exception being Adam's classes at the Hollywood Y - he is the most incredible yoga teacher. ever!)

Isn't this freaking adorable? I want an otter to hold hands with...

Actually that's not true. I'd really rather have someone amazing to cuddle with and make love to. But, I guess tonight, I'll just have to watch the otters again...

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