Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Enabler: Turning a Yeltsin into a Pinochet...

Lawrence Summers scares the shit out of me.

Well, let me clarify. The fact that Obama chose to put him on the Economic Advisory board scares the shit out of me. While any semblance of "leftist" media will criticize the choice as being poor in light of his views of women as having lesser innate abilities than men, they will be missing the point. While leftist activists are busy divvying up themselves into the appropriate environmentalist, feminist, or affirmative action boxes from which to criticize Summer's from, he will be busy with his slight of hand free market rah-rah regressive tricks that are nothing short of a grand FAILURE. His past actions have been directly responsible for creating repressive and fascist regimes (of both an economic nature and political) abroad, and here we are sending emails around about how he thinks the ladies are stupid.

Obama - I know you are from Chicago. We all do. Yeah, we get it already. It's one thing to hire your boys, and it's an entirely other thing to hire the Chicago Boys from Milton Friedman's lineage. These things always lead to two places: torture, or complete economic shock. Oh- but a few people always manage to get rich from it. Bastard people.

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