Thursday, February 26, 2009

good morning sunshine....(woman to woman)

So far the points of awareness I have focused on have been
Day 2: Meditation
Day 3: Patience
Day 4: Not Interrupting (which I believe is rooted in something greater, perhaps "Value of Others?")
Day 5: Gratitude

I have to run to yoga, but I will post these experiences once I have a second. They have been incredibly eye-opening (heart opening?)

Side story - My cell phone doubles as my alarm clock and I was woken up at 3 am by some girl calling. She left a message, knew my name, everything, and rambled on about wanting to find out if I am sleeping with her fiance. I don't know this lady, nor do I know this guy in question, nor am I sleeping with anyone who is engaged. Or otherwise. It was quite long and fabulous..." So, woman to woman..." "Because, I mean, no woman wants to be with a cheater, right???" and frankly, she did use a lot of "woman" in that message (I'll count later.) Is this a prank call, or truly some sad and confused lady? And should I call her back? Perhaps at 5am tomorrow morning before I have my 6o clock yoga class so she knows what a 3am call feels like para mi?


Matthew said...

connected to "Value of Others," a bad habit of interrupting can come from attachment to our own opinions. we can even interrupt people we respect, value and agree with because we're still attached to having our voice heard, or owning a piece of the conversation. all sorts of ways to think about it. :)


What's that old saying? It goes something like, "If you want to have a happy life, stop having opinions..."