Wednesday, February 18, 2009


All day today I was walking around and I kept smelling wet dog. Everywhere I went it reeked of wet dog. Checklist: It was not raining. My dog was not wet...I was even sniffing her hair throughout the day for inspection. WTF was that smell?

I was at the office, and I assumed it was the carpets - hey, we have dogs running around in here all day long. They get dirty, they run outside, no one has cleaned the place since we've had all these storm rains going on... Must be the carpets!

I told my boss I was going to vacuum and steam them when I work late this Friday night - because, fuck! it totally smelled like dawg.

So, this evening, I get off the phone with my girlfriend, and I look down and see something on the short one inch heel of my gorgeous white vintage boots I rarely ever wear. Because I am so flexibly endowed, I lift my heel right in front of my nose, and fucking christ, there is, like, some dog poo dried up on my heel. IT'S THE SAME DAMN SMELL I'VE BEEN SMELLING!!!

My shoe is soaking in hot water and I am wearing my moccasins now. But awesome, so, clearly, it was ME who was walking around THE ENTIRE DAY smelling like doggie poo.

The funniest thing about this, is that this afternoon there was this really well known musician over at our office who walked in while I was talking to one of my employers about the carpets. He comes in, and says, "well, you've got a lot of dogs here." And, because I am soooo funny, I say, "Oh, it's not the dogs. It's just me..."


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