Monday, March 16, 2009

start a trend!

mom is always right!

If I never have to hear the phrase "Don't shit where you eat" again for the rest of my life, it will indeed be a damn good life. Srsly tho. Srsly. Let me just start off by saying that 1: It's gross.

My friend told me this story about her father trying to get her to quit smoking when she was in college. "It's just disgusting dear, it's a filthy disgusting habit. You wanna know what it's like? You want to know what smoking is like? It's like shitting in your lunch. Do you want to shit inside your lunchbox?"


On a side note - this is the same man who told us over the course of one dinner, a double round of vodka martinis and one bottle of wine, that it would be incredibly difficult for us to find a mate in our lives because we were too intelligent for boys not to just run off intimidated. Thanks dad!

The phrase is one that by definition means "don't have romantic relations with your co-workers," although I have heard it used in so many different contexts before.
Ex. - "This is where I get my dry-cleaning done every week, hence I will not ask out the hot counter lady. (I don't want to shit where I clean?)" The bartender at your neighborhood dive... The barista at the coffee shop you go to every day... Yeah, you get it.

Breaking down "romantic relations" into two main categories, this would consist of people who are a: looking for one night stand or varying degrees of casual sex and b: looking for a person to connect with on a deeper and more substantial level. (And I believe that "dating" doesn't really exist anymore among those of my generation. Those of us who, you know, live in a secular world.) So, yeah, maybe if you are just looking for someone to fuck and could care less about what happens afterwards, maybe you shouldn't sleep with that dude who you run into every day at the gym. But if you are looking for something with meaning, does it really fucking matter where you eat? Doesn't life demand of us that we eat? Isn't that what the heart searches for and finds in the most unexpected of places, or unexpectedly in the most expected of places? Maybe we should just embrace every chance we have to create love in this world, and leave the shit out of it.

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