Thursday, May 8, 2008

Just don't write about me, okay....

There is something truly refreshing in obtaining objective distance. There have been a number of times in my life where I was really taken in by the moment or by the experiences, and not that you shouldn't live in the moment, but there is something to be said about the choices we make for different times and experiences in our lives. When you are in a relationship, sometimes you could be living in a haze. People all the time choose to be with certain people because, they make them feel safe, or they feel respected and listened to, or, maybe just the sex is really hot.

This is a tricky one, because sometimes, when you are having ah-mazing sex for an extended period of time with someone, you can get a little clouded over in the sex-haze. Maybe the sex is so great, that you even start to think you love that person. Maybe you say it, and then try to follow through with it, but you are led into a brick wall. You should have just been lovers. But, when it's all over and done at least you have had all that great sex over said period of time.


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