Friday, September 12, 2008

Didn't That Take Some Hubris???

Oh, what fun the next couple of weeks are going to be.

Don't blink bitches.

Gov Palin Knows Things Such As The Like As The Iraq As.
Informing the soldiers that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans." Sounds pretty nice. I'm going to go ahead and ask for some clarification though. Who are these supposed "innocents"? Umm...the people we are invading? Sorry, but it sounds to me like the ones who are rejoicing the deaths of thousands are those with their "God's Plan" bullshit (from all extremes I guess.) There seems to be currently nothing sicker that I can think of than politicians (or people in general) validating their unethical and amoral choices by somehow linking it to God's mission plan.

Oh wait - There is something!

"I answered yes because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink,"

My vagina knows more about the Bush Doctrine than Palin does. And my vagina isn't running for VP

From one of my fave new blogs, here is a little lesson in the whole, "IHaveForeignPolicyExperienceEvenThoughI HaveNeverEvenMetAForeignHeadOfStateAndIOnlyLeftTheCuntryLikeOnce

I like that her husbands secret service name is Drill'er.
Cough. Cough. Ahem...

Thanks to Team America - I can't listen to him anymore without hearing I'm Matt Damon! in the back of my head...

or, at least, when this isn't already in the back of my head...

The Gov. has a Vlog!!!

Good thing too - since her running partner doesn't know how to use a computer...

You'd think he would have to have learned by now - Hello, Paper Trail! Shredders are soooooo Watergate!

That's it folks! Have an excellent weekend - Go shoot a cuddly polar bear. And then show the fucker who's the boss and don't even eat it!

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