Thursday, September 4, 2008

the shortest trip to vegas ever

I don't know if I have ever mentioned it here, but if you didn't know - I am from Las Vegas. Yes I was born there, and no my mother is not an exotic dancer. Moving on...

It's 3:30 am and I just got in. I was so tired on the drive but now I guess I am feeling a little wired. I came here to trade cars and titles with my sister, basically a long story of how my insurance company really fucked me over.

So, my lovely little Focus will on longer be mine when I leave here. But along with it, comes the fact that for the past couple of weeks, I have had a Devotchka cd stuck in the limbo world of car cd players. This left me with no choice but the radio during the drive which I had to listen to in order to even keep my eyes open. (I was up at like 6am today and running around between a city hearing, auditions, work, and a workshop - I was freaking exhausted!)

The highway stations are always a pretty horrible mix of country, an occasional snoop dogg, and excessive Christian inspirational rock, or whatever they call that shit. Sometimes you get a nice/ Christian-Country Inspirational Combo...

But then, a total gem came along...

I totally haven't heard that shit since, well, since THE 90'S!

Anyways, I finally get in and I open the front door to my folks house. They set up some nightlight on the floor and in front of it they put this huge fake cockroach, it's like the size of my dog, who btw, was scared of it. The lighting made it have this looming shadow across the room and I thought I was hallucinating for a second. My mother tells everyone that I have ever brought to their home this "dancing cockroach" story that my mom finds incredibly hilarious. She cries when she tells it. My mom has played practical jokes on me since I was a baby. At least I think I can attribute my sense of humor to her.

I walked into the kitchen to grab some water, and this is where I almost screamed. This massive scary evil looking rat (big, and plastic and fake once I turned the lights up) was sitting in the doorway. Thanks mom and dad. I know you must me laughing in your sleep right now.

I took some shitty photos of these on my camera phone and will post later. I should probably try to sleep now considering I have to drive back in, well, just a number of hours...

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