Monday, June 15, 2009

america likes it when you're anorexic and quiet

I think Jezebel Dodai is an incredible editor. I also think she is quite a righteous lady. Thanks Dodai for getting to the fat of the matter. Hehehe.

Ditto's weight is the focus of seemingly every article and interview about/with her. It's sexist, and strangely enough, it feels weird this new fetishizing of her by the fashion industry for being the token fierce fat chick. To be a woman - to be loud - to be a fucking rock star - to be queer - to be fat- and not be apologizing for it - to not be i'm a sorry fat fuck about it - is what scares them. Ditto is a role model because she is a Strong woman, who fucking Wails, who fucking Kills it, who doesn't say Sorry I'm going to be a quiet repressed sad little skinny girl in the corner.

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