Monday, June 8, 2009

Half-Mast Ass

Has anyone else been noticing the current down pouring of ass flashing sweeping through the streets of Eastish LA?

I was headed out for some vegan tom yum the other day, carrying along with me the hope that it would be the cure to my current cold (or pure exhaustion/or itsbecauseihavebeenpartyingwaaaaaytoomuch) symptoms. Along the way I counted two different male cracks exposed upon Sunset (and not by any homeless men, say, you know, going to the bathroom on the street as I have seen a number of times.) On my return trip, I counted 1 more, rendering the sick feelings to reemerge. A previous day at a sushi joint in Silver Lake, one of my girlfriends spotted lady crack at the sake bar. Last night, 2, count em, 2 different crackages from average joe's beaming through the smoky patio of the Red Lion. Oh, and one girl crotch, but (in her defense) well, she was clearly super wasted.

When I was in high school, many guys were into the boxer backsides hanging on out.
In college, girls in low hipped jeans showed off ass floss (g-strings for those not in the know) at all keggers and house parties.

So, my question, in this current time of recession and struggle, is, is this a backwards slide into a re-interpretation of past trends??? Or, has everyone just gotten too fucking lazy to cover up their cracks in public???

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