Friday, June 12, 2009

bloggin' much?

So - I haven't been at my job job all week - Hence the weeks outpouring of blogginess. My family has been going through an ordeal (to say the least, which, randomly enough and in total regards to this, I have and I will) so my days have been largely spent at the coffeeshop downstairs, which is where my bra broke this morning (although I do wish I had some wild story entwined with the breaking of it, some passionate and sordid affair - but alas, I have none).

I went to one of my favorite shops in Silver Lake today, and tried on some pretty new bras. The one I selected had no price tag on it, so I brought it over to the cashier. She informed me that it was $80. Don't they fucking recognize that there is a RECESSION going on??? Don't they realize that everyone has lost either their benefits (if they even had any) their jobs or most of their gawddamned hours???

I left with no bra. Maybe now I will go sit in the corner and cry about my privileged life slipping away. Or maybe I will just drink some cheap wine and keep fucking around on FB.

----Oh, and on another randomass note - Any of you notice what the owner of El Conquistador did to the Triangle Park Fountain right off Sunset and Edgecliffe? Thanks man! It looks like the fucking Lakers threw up on my block. Stop it already. (Have already made plans w/ the $5 man to paint it over like a rainbow late at night.)

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