Monday, April 7, 2008

Dear Diary,

Dear Diary,

Last Friday I went to see: Sex(Ed) Diaries - Visions and Voices over at USC. I was so excited; I mean, really! With a press release that started off like this... "You can’t promise a girl like Julie you’ll be true to her and show up with a case of syphilis.”—Where the Girls Are (1969)...How could you possibly go wrong?

But go wrong ya did!

To sum it up in a short version I will say - It was like me hosting a "Sexuality and Artistic Oppression: A Historical and Modern Dissection of 'the woman' and her role/s in the commercial world of Acting" lecture, and then when everyone has arrived and is seated, I perform a crappy monologue that I wrote for all my guests.

Then everyone gets snacks afterwards.

But I know you! And you, my dear diary, do not want the short version! You loath the short version. You see that context is everything and brevity is useless and my witty titling will not truly recreate the evening for you in a way so that you too can feel like you were there and thinking it was so lame at the same time that I was there!

So, here you go my buddy. This is the longest version I can possibly write in an incredibly short time period because I have to go for a run real soon because it just feels so good.

- My friends and I arrived and the hall was full. We sat alongside the walls until a spider scared a couple of us into some seats that became available as some people had left.

-I saw this guy in the audience that seriously looked like Spencer Pratt. Only it wasn't, but it's hilarious to think that SP would ever go to an lecture like this. What is sad, however, is that I know and would recognize that douchebag in general though. I guess its a little fitting after his plastic friend was mislabeled a modern feminist hero by some dumbass at the NY Times.

- I thought we were going to see screenings of sex-ed videos from the 50's to now. You know why I thought that? Because that's what the pr said!!!! Basically we got to see a few edited (they took out all cuts of diseases, penises, etc.. and I heard these were graphic - is that why? Like USC kids ain't ever seen an std... I am sooo not buying that shit) reels from 3 military films, and a couple of "relationship/ dating" films. The military films all taught that you can't tell if a woman is clean from the outside, and that women are dirty carriers of filth and disease! Wear a rubber! If you don't you can get gonorrhea and die! Wear a rubber!

-The lecture was completely disorganized. There were two women and two incredibly ancient men on the stage. They had nothing remotely interesting or thought-provoking to share. They didn't bring any idea to a reasonable conclusion. They asked for people to talk about what type of sex-education they had when younger, which led into an incredibly long time period of undergrad kids sharing their fucking lame stories like a therapy session. Oh, and guess what, the organizer, Brenda Goodman, really used this event to trick us into to seeing clips from the documentary she is making about sex-ed in America. Oh! And guess what?! It basically consists of short edited moment of historical vids which were already made, and then little clips of kids in in the USC quad sharing their "education."

-In conclusion; I could give a fuck about the majority of students over at USC and what their (blatant gross generalization coming up) totally elitist bullshit theories especially when pertaining to sex deal with. If you want to preview your film, do it. Just don't hide it behind something that I would mistake for some cool shit.

Btw, you have to do more than just give your audience free brownies and coffee. I want substance, not empty calories.

It would have been really awesome if they had just shown all the videos they have in their archives.

It would also be really awesome if someone who didn't go to USC made a dope-ass documentary on this incredible subject...

Maybe you!


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