Sunday, April 13, 2008

this week in chicks...

Oh to be young, black and...

Way to go CBS. It's fucking 2008 and just now this becomes news? Exactly who puts out all the high-profile Laci Peterson cases in the media? Umm...corporations like...Umm (Sorry, I'm a girl - this thinking thingy is hard. Oh!!! You?

If you are young, black and pregnant, the US media/politicos could give a fuck if you are murdered. Just as long as you ain't getting no damn abortions... And that goes for every race.

Court judge Muhammed Al-Qathic stepped up to the plate and arrested 8 year old Nojoud Muhammed Nasser's father and husband for sexual and domestic dispute in Yemen this week.

Nojoud said “Whenever I wanted to play in the yard he beat me and asked me to go to the bedroom with him."

The Save the Children organization does an annual ranking of best to worst countries for mothers. The ranking is determined by:

* Lifetime risk of maternal mortality;
* Percentage of women using modern contraception;
* Skilled attendant at delivery;
* Female life expectancy;
* Expected number of years of formal schooling for females;
* Ratio of estimated female-to-male earned income;
* Maternity leave benefits;
* Participation of women in national government;
* Under-5 mortality rate;
* Percentage of children under age 5 moderately or severely underweight;
* School enrollment ratios;
* Ratio of girls to boys enrolled in primary school and;
* Percentage of population with access to safe water.

Yemen happens to be at the bottom of the list, with only Sierra Leone and Niger ranking below.

The Unites States? In the 26th place, ranking after Latvia, Czech, Slovenia (basically - a bunch of fucking countries that Americans couldn't point out on a map if their lives depended on it...) Score again for Team America!

Why don't girls play guitar? Maybe teachers should stop forcing them to play the fucking flute in kindergarden.

And on that note, that reminds me of a teacher I had in elementary school who was always yelling at me to keep my ankles crossed under my desk. It wasn't fair! All the boys sat with their legs wide apart.

Sexism...It's everywhere I go. And unlike my Visa card, it will never max out.

To end this post, I will stop with two different links. Both of a sad and twisted nature. Hopefully, next week will be a better week for women and girls in the world.

Move over MILF island! We are taking your polygamous ass to Incest Ranchxxx!

Ai papi, that feels good! Oh papi, harder! AI! PAPI!

“Does feminist mean large unpleasant person who'll shout at you or someone who believes women are human beings. To me it's the latter, so I sign up.” - Margaret Atwood

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