Sunday, February 24, 2008

life in the suburbs...

I am in my hometown right now - visiting the folks and whatnot. I was going out with my mom earlier today, when she gets all serious in the car. "Listen to me..." and she begins to talk about when you are driving around in the summer with your windows down, people will try to get into your car at stoplights. Now, if this happens, statistically you are dead meat. So, as you continue driving down city streets (with said assailant in your passenger) the next time you are at a red light, when it turns green, hit reverse and slam into the car behind you. This will give the assailant a chance to get away, and you will save your life....

Tell your friends...

Ummm. Ok.

She was also talking about some sort of siren thing you can put on your car to alert other drivers that you are being attacked...

When I was in high school she used to yell at me to remember to wear strong thick tennis shoes whenever I flew. You know - so if the plane crashed I would be able to run...

No- You think about that...

And now I leave to go out with my ol' sin city bf... Goodnight y'all

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