Monday, February 25, 2008


H.P.V is the most common sexually transmitted infection; 80% of American women will contract at least one strain of genital hpv by the time they are 50.

This can lead to cervical cancer, which kills approx. a quarter of a million women worldwide every year.

Gardasil is a vaccine that is supposed to prevent infection from types 16, 18, 6, and 11.

Gardasil is currently only for females, but the company is working on a patent for boys to come out in 09.
Both men and women are carriers of hpv, but women are the ones who have true risk if getting infected. Men can get warts, but the strains that cause warts are different than the ones that cause cancer.

Now, how many men do you know who would willingly take this vaccine? Or for that matter, how many people would have their sons get it? It seems that it's hard enough to get most men to put on a condom, let alone do,...i don't know...not give women an infection which could lead to their death if unchecked? Stop the spreading of a disease which affects the majority of Americans?

It's fucked up because we literally preach for a lack of male responsibility with so much sexual. Women being largely responsible for the condoms, for the birth control, for paying for the birth control with insane prices lately!, and now, what...To stop HPV on their own? Yeah, until they have sex with someone of the opposite sex!

A friend of mine was just telling me about this guy she was hooking up with recently. He was trying to have unprotected sex with her, and, diseases aside, homegirl ain't on no birth control. She tells him she is scared of getting pregnant, and he's like, don't worry - you just won't.

When I was a young virgin, there was this guy that I would make-out regularly with. He was always trying to get me to have sex with him, and I always got him to back off. One day the pressure got a little ridiculous, and he just wouldn't shut up. I told him that I didn't want to have sex because I didn't want to risk getting pregnant. He looked at me (and he honestly fucking believed this) and told me that I wouldn't get pregnant because you can only get pregnant if you want to be. I'll tell you this, I knew that was bs, but did he? He ended up having his first kid at 18. An accident, mmkay.

I'm just saying, there are a lot of guy in their 20s and 30s who are apparently not much different than a teenager when it comes to their intelligence, and here's the kicker....TO RESPECT FOR THEIR PARTNERS!


Yes, it is a respect issue! If someone thinks not putting on a condom cuz it feels so much better (which it does but that's not the point) is better than the possibility of making unwanted babies or of transferring possible diseases (known or otherwise..remember -most men will never see an outward sign of being an hpv carrier) then to me it's pretty clear that not only do they not fully respect themselves, but they don't respect their partner either.

There is a line between being treated like a recepticle or like a goddess. Just saying.

If a guy were to tell me that he had the vaccine...I'd think that was pretty smokin'. But that's probably just me....
Oh...and maybe the large number of my girlfriends who at some point in the past decade have gotten an abnormal pap smear and discovered they had hvp...Yeah, those girls might think it was pretty fucking hot too.

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