Wednesday, February 13, 2008

sell out

I have an old friend out here who kind of abruptly stopped speaking to me.

There was this alumni drinking event that went down this last weekend while I was in Denver kicking it with the Chassids.


My girl went and proceeded to get shit-faced.
When she was talking to this old friend he told her that he was never speaking to me again, to which my friend replied

Um, Why?

Well, you know how she is.


I just can't do this to myself again.

- She was drinking so that's all I got.

First off, I think he's acted incredibly immature by just shutting down without any communication with me.
Secondly, what - you know how she is? What in the hell does that mean? Let's be honest, we have all had out ups and downs - but friendship is actually not about being there for someone when they only do what you agree with, or think is right, or act how you expect them to act. It's about being there for someone, even when they do something you disagree with, say something you don't like, or act a fool sometimes. Because we have all been known to do this. This particular friend has decided to abruptly take away his friendship, and apparently values me so little that he has done so without the slightest form of communication as to why.

We got into an argument in Santa Fe once, where he was angry and upset with me and I had no idea why. Finally, a day later, he tells me that I said something that hurt his feelings. I told him that I was sorry for that, but unless if he communicates that with me, how in the world would I know. Friends aren't mind readers buddy. We all have to do our bit of work...

Anyways, yes, I am incredibly hurt to have lost this friendship. On the other side though, it was an exhausting one. That's a strange and shitty realization to have. I just have to let it go, and wish him the best. Maybe he will one day pull the can of judgement out of his fucking ass and we will have a conversation and a hug again. Although I highly fucking doubt that.

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