Wednesday, February 13, 2008

man meat

Today there was this posting on my fave site, Jezebel.

My thoughts about the subject and then the actual article.

Most of the men I have dated in my life have been vegetarians. And come to think of it, yes, they have all kind of been fucking sissies. My days of the skinny ass/artrockers are truly over. I always thought that I wanted to be with men with my same interests, ie...veganism, but who the fuck really wants a vegan man? First off, they were all so skinny it was like you were fucking bones. That doesn't really make me feel like a woman. They were all pretty peaceful (for the most part unless you count weird moments of rage from bottling up every thing you can't communicate...) and damn it, I want to be thrown around and totally controlled in bed. Not so much these guys - vegetarian men tend to shy away from domination... I tend to be such the power point in relationships and I don't actually like that transferring to sex however.

For logistics, I honestly don't want to go on a date and watch a guy suck down some red meat and then try to kiss me. He can go out with his friends, and I will take my girls over to Cru. But then, I want him to come over and be a fucking man. And I want him to be able to come over for dinner, and love my fabulous cooking, but not bitch because there is no bacon in it. Ya dig?

This guy that I was dating for a few months last year ate meat. He never really ate it around me though. I had told him a number of times that I didn't want to be his girlfriend (he was way dependent...) When I came back from Israel (after traveling around with a bunch of mens eating schwarma and climbing mountains) I told him that is wasn't working out. He freaks out, starts calling my girlfriends "Did you see this coming!!!??" and then decides to become a vegetarian. I called him out on it and he was adamant that he wanted to be a veggie for himself and not in some pathetic attempt to entice me back to him. Last time I ran into him, he told me he started eating meat after a couple of months. Unfortunately for him, he is still a fucking sissie either way.

So anyways, yes I am entering a new path in my life. One where the men eat meat and know how to spank a lady. Save the raw veggies for me.


"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit." Ha! That's Anthony Bourdain in the best-selling memoir Kitchen Confidential, and the writer/celebrity chef's famous phrase made an appearance in today's New York Times, which, on the eve of Valentine's Day, delves into the issue of dietary restrictions as potential dealbreakers among couples. A vegan quoted in the article, Lisa Romano, says that she recently dumped a boyfriend because he liked grilling his burgers alongside her soy patties, something she found "unenlightened and disturbing." Explains Romano: "I need someone who is ethically on the same page." That makes sense: If not killing animals for food is so high on someone's ethical scale that she refrains from eating meat, I imagine that her moral compass is set pretty differently from that of a rampant carnivore.

Maybe it's just me -- and I'm already anticipating the hate comments I will get about this -- but something about a man refusing to eat meat seems sort of...sissy-like. I realize it's probably cultural brainwashing, but when I hear the phrase "male vegetarian", I picture a dude with matted dreads and a patchouli stink who cries when a tree is felled. In short: I picture a hippie, and I cannot hold with hippies. Take the male vegetarian and Florida real estate agent quoted in the Times, Ben Abdalla, 42, who says he prefers to date fellow vegetarians because meat eaters smell bad and have low energy." Anyone using the word "energy"? Definitely a hippie.

To be fair, these are not entirely fair assumptions about men who shun meat. But they are real. An (admittedly old) study commissioned by the Vegetarian Times conducted way back in 1992 found that "of the 12.4 million people who call themselves vegetarian, 68 percent are female while only 32 percent are male." (We're looking for more recent statistics.) And the women at Feministing, in fact, have an fascinating post about a set of new Maxim-like PETA ads which assert that (in their words) "it's okay to buck the stereotype of Real Men Eat Red Meat, because here are some naked ladies to reassure you that you're still a superhetero manly man!" (Plus, there's an entire book called The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol Adams, which apparently intertwines feminism and vegetarianism. Go figure!)

I also polled the other Jezebels, and honestly, most are a little prejudiced against the idea of a male vegetarian. Moe admits that she's "prejudiced against sissies but would date a vegetarian... only if he wasn't a sissy about it though. Like, no freaking out about chicken boullion or whatever." Tracie says she converted a vegan to a full blown flesh-eater: "My ex was a vegan for 10 years when we met and I used to use eggs and chicken stock in recipes after a while and not tell him. Then I got him to eat fish and now he eats steak like every day. I changed him for the better." And Jennifer? She says, she's only gone out with one vegetarian in her lifetime. "I met him at yoga class," she says. "He was a sissy. Hence the reason we only went on three dates. That and he was a really bad kisser."

Then you have someone like my brother, who only ate meat and potatoes growing up, and is now married to a vegetarian. She won't cook meat herself, but she is never judgmental about it when my brother orders a burger, proving that love can conquer carnivorous instincts. Question is, how much of a dealbreaker is a person's issues with food? And how often do people put aside major dietary differences for true romance?


Anonymous said...

Just make sure he washes his hands with soap and hot water after eating his meet so you get a nice clean SPANK!

Anonymous said...

this is some bullshit. none of the vegetarian and vegan men i know are "sissies" or particularly skinny. you need to start moving in different circles instead of projecting your stereotypes on all of us. and please stop buying into this extremely tired association of meat with masculinity.


First off, anonymous, this is my blog and I can be as bullshit as I want. Secondly, you really come across like some sissie ass man. And finally, I have been a feminist for my entire life, and a vegan for more than a decade. I read the sexual politics of meat in high school, buddy. I am having fun.
You, however, clearly seem to be lacking what I like to call a sense of humor. If you wanna bitch - use a real name. Mmmkay.

katherinebristow said...

I've dated vegetarians, omnivores, reformed vegetarians, traditional "meat and potatoes" types, hippie boys who cry when they see flesh, fat men, skinny men. I suppose I've noticed that men who eat meat have a more pungent body odor and taste, but not the point where I've been turned off. N----- could work up a sweaty stink after a bike ride like no one's business, and that was before he started eating meat again.

It's an interesting line of questioning. I've known wimpy meat eaters and manly vegans. I don't know that it has as much to do with "meat or not" as it does with diet in general. Most of the male vegetarians I know give up meat but don't find other means of getting their proteins. And, if they do, they tend to go straight to the soy products (I don't know the science or hard facts, but it might be interesting to find/do a study on estrogen levels in male vegetarians/vegans in regard to their soy intake). Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of the male vegetarians I do know don't eat any healthier. Just because the dude switches from pepperoni pizza hot pockets to broccoli & cheese flavor doesn't mean he's not eating shit. I've also seen men who eat meat and get a fair amount of exercize stay skin and bones. While I think there is some correlation, I wouldn't give up on the male vegetarian population too quickly.

I think it's easier to find someone with a similar diet to your own just out of convenience. If I'm cooking, it's easier to make one meal than two, to not have to worry if I'm using chicken or vegetable stock for the soup or putting cream in the pasta sauce. However, if the guy I'm dating is going to get up all on my shit because I'm eating meat when I've made an informed decision about my diet, then I realize it's more about his personality than his politics and he's probably not worth it anyway. And if some dude is going to freak out because I don't put a steak on his plate every night, well...then he gets some raw meat and a frying pan chucked at his head and told to do it his damn self.

But I'm totally with you about the skinny guys in bed. I don't consider myself to be a big girl, but I have felt like I was about to break a man's pelvis mid-thrust. I hate when, during standing sex, I can feel him loose his grip and I go sliding down a wall. Or when he makes that grunt to pick me up. It makes me feel fat and horrible and loose my self-cofidence in the middle of the act, which is not the time to be loosing confidence.

Happy V-Day, sweetie. Take care.
- k


I am right there with you when you talk about mens diets. Now, there are an exorbitant amount of meat eating men who look unhealthy, probably more in comparison to veggie men. But most men I know, or have met throughout my life, make the dumbest choices with a veggie diet. Fries and beer is not going to give you what you need! No wonder so many men who attempt to go veggie fail. I know a number of guys who were living in such deficiency they regularly passed out.
When I finally found out that my thyroid was fucked up beyond all recognition this year, I immediately cut out all soy. It had royally screwed my body, and I can just imagine what it can do to others. Especially men.
Another thing I was thinking about, a large percentage of veggie men I know tend to be tall and skinny. These types in ayurvedic terms are called vatas. And it's ironic that vatas are the type of people who actually do need a little meat, more than any other type of person, to actually ground them and to make themselves healthy. So they are really working against themselves.
What a man eats obviously doesn't determine whether he is a "sissy" or a "man." Who he is determines that, and it is clear that we all know some sissy ass meat eating mens.
Now while I said that I want to stop dating vegan men, let me be more specific. I want to be with someone who realizes that the most effective we can personally be in regards to our response to global warming, and to animal rights, and to OUR OWN HEALTH, is to vastly limit the amount of meat that one has. This is the awareness I respect and expect, and yes, it would be difficult for me to be in a relationship with someone who just didn't give a fuck. In fact, that relationship probably wouldn't happen. But if he eats meat on his own terms, with this awareness and knowledge, fine. I'm game.


Btw, I disabled anonymous comments. Lurk all you want, but if you want to bat around shit here, it's like roll call. Stand up fo' realz